Nadya Baracho

Designation : Assistant Professor
Contact Info :
Department of Civil Engineering,
Don Bosco College Of Engineering,
Fatorda, Margao,Goa- 403 602.
Tel No : (0832) 2741045/2743944
Fax : (0832)2742648
Work Experience :
Research Interest :
- Damping Devices
- Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
- Soil Structure Interaction
- Finite Element Modelling
- Structural Retrofitting
Thesis Supervised :
- “Analysis and design to assess seismic performance of building with and without water tank during earthquake”, Aravind Prasannakumar Nayak, Bhosle Ganesh Balasaheb, Chavan Ramesh Gangaram, Naik Sujay Vasudev, Vernekar Sarvesh Manguesh, 2017.
- “Performance analysis of high rise building using Dampers”, Correia Floyd Edger, Dessai Prasanraj Rajesh, Dessai Rahul Govind, Gaonkar Jagdhish Janu, Velip Prashant Malu, 2015.
- “Earth Retaining Elements for Geotechnical Failures”, Bi Saima, Poojary Supreetha Babu, Bhomkar Priyanka Shidatta, Naik Goltekar Bhakti Hanumant, Vengurlekar Gayatri Anil, 2015 (co-guide).
- “Evaluation of construction and demolition waste in civil engineering applications”, Dias Samantha Princess, Duarte Kohen Karen Macario, Fernandes Paraj Nelson Leander, Dias Barros Pereira Manisha Maria, Majik Roshani Kamalakant, 2018.
- “Analysis and design of alternative rigid pavement for rural environment”, Kalangutkar Gaurav Dwarkanath, Naik Uddhav Uday, Noronha Fred Anthony, Parab Sanket Nakul, Shaikh Abdul Basith, 2018 (co-guide).
- “Experimental study on Cement based light transmitting building material”, Naik Nivedita, Naik Riya, Tanushree Saraswat, Naik Saiprasad, Palkar Prathamesh, Varkuri Darshan,2020 (co-guide).
- “Design of Structural Elements Using Program Sheets”, Sweta Prabhu, Tanmay Rane, Xavier Fernandes, Vilas Bandekar, Abhishek Gurav, 2021.
Seminars\Workshops\Talks Attended :
- Attended webinar on ‘Structural Audit, Repair,Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Buildings: Process & Methodologies’, on 29th January 2022, Organized by UltraTech Cement Ltd.
- Attended one week Short term training Program (AICTE sponsored) on ‘Recycling Materials in Highway Construction’ from 19th July to 24th July 2021,in online mode, organized by Indo Global College of Engineering, Abhipur, New Chandighar.
- Completed 8 week NPTEL-AICTE FDP on ‘Development and Applicationsof Special Concrete’ from Jan-March 2021, organized by IIT Kanpur.
- Participated in webinar on ‘Analysis, Design & Deatiling of Shear Walls by Dr. Yogendra Singh’ on 30th January 2021, organized by Epicons Friends of Concrete.
- Completed 12 week NPTEL-AICTE FDP on ‘Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures’ from Jan-April 2020, organized by IIT Madras.
- Participated One-week Online ISTE FDP on ‘Structural Health Monitoring’, from 15th to 19th June 2020, organized by B.M.S College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Participated in ‘The BodhiTree and SAFE Tools for Effective Online Teaching: A Hands-On Workshop’ in April 2020, organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT) at IIT Bombay, funded by the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt. of India.
- Participated in One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Moodle learning management systems’ from 25th – 30th May 2020, organized by J.D. College of Engineering & Management in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay.
- Participated in One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Spoken Tutorial Technology’ from 18th – 22nd May 2020, organized by Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay.
- Participated in One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Latex’ from 14th – 17th May 2020, organized by MIT College of Railway Engineering and Research, Barshi in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay.
- Participated in One-week Online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Scilab’ from 4th- 9th May 2020, organized by S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur in association with Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay.
- Participated in Three-week 8 credit course on ‘WhatsApp outcome-based education’ Faculty Development Programme from March 24th to April 14th, 2020, organized by D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune.
- Participated in NPTEL online certification course on ‘NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering’ -(12-week Course) from Jan-April 2020 organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Participated in NPTEL online certification course on ‘Plastic Waste Management’ -(8-week Course) from Jan-April 2020 organized by IIT, Kharagpur.
- Participated in NPTEL online certification course on ‘Maintenance and Repair of Structures’ -(12-week Course) from Jan-April 2020 organized by Indian IIT, Madras.
- Attended one day workshop on ‘National Building Code of India 2016 & Updates on Civil Engineering Standards’ jointly organized by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Don Bosco College of Engineering, Goa on 24th January 2020.
- Attended workshop on Midas GEN from 16th Sep – 18th Sep 2018 organized by department of civil Engineering department, Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda.
- Participated in NPTEL online certification course on ‘Reinforced Concrete Bridges’ (4 weeks) from July-August 2017 organized by IIT, Kharagpur.
- Attended Seminar cum workshop on ‘I.S.1893(Part 1): 2016 & I.S. 13920:2016’ (Accredited CPD programme of Engineering Council of India (ECI), New Delhi), at Caculo Mall on 9th and 10th November 2017.
- Attended one day workshop on ‘High strength high performance ready mixed concrete – A need of the day’ on 7th April 2017 organized by Civil Engineering department of Goa College of Engineering.
- Attended one day seminar on ‘Geosynthethics in water resource’, on 16th July 2016 organized by IIT, Gandhinagar.
- Attended two-day symposium on ‘Geosynthethics applications in infrastructure development’ on 14th and 15th July 2016 organised by IIT, Gandhinagar.
- Attended one-week TEQIP II- ISTE: Engineering management strategies for sustainable development from 9th to 13th May 2016, organized by Civil Engineering Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda.
- Attended two days seminar ‘Design & Construction of Steel Structures- Practical Approach’ on 18th and 19th March 2016 organized by civil Engineering Department of Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi.
- Attended one-week TEQIP II- ISTE: Computer Aided Engineering Analysis from 4th to 8th January 2016, organized by Mechanical Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda.
- Attended one-week ISTE Workshop: Recent Trends in Geotechnical Engineering from 5th to 9th January 2015, organized by Civil Engineering Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda.
Seminars/Workshops Organized :
- Organized webinar on Local Identity, Global Heritage: Conserving the Basilica of Bom Jesus on 19th April 2021.
- Organized webinar series on Heritage Restoration and Conservation Techniques between 29th August and 28th September 2020.
- Organized one-week Online Students/Professionals/Faculty Development Program on Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) in association with Spoken Tutorial Project IIT, Bombay from 1st June -5th June 2020.
- Conducted one-week AutoCAD training for Third Year students from 2nd to 7th July 2018.
- Conducted one-week AutoCAD training for Third Year students from 3rd to 7th July 2017.
- Conducted Two-day National Seminar on Advances in Structural Engineering on 11th and 12th February 2017.
- Conducted two days SAP2000 workshop for Final Year Civil Students on 6th and 13th August 2020.
Conferences Attended :
- Kohen Duarte, Paraj Fernandes, Nadya Baracho, Roshani Majik, Samantha Dias, Manisha Dias, Assessment of construction and demolition waste in Goa for re-use in new construction, International conference Trending Moments & Steer Forces-Civil Engineering Today (TMSF-2019)
- Nadya Baracho, H.R. Magar Patil, Non-Linear Time History Analysis of Steel Moment Resisting Frame with Energy Dissipating System, Civil PGCON 2014, Pune.
- Nadya Baracho, H.R. Magar Patil, Steel Moment Resisting Frames with Dampers, National Symposium, Nirmitee 2014.
Journal Publication :
- Kohen Duarte, Paraj Fernandes, Nadya Baracho, Roshani Majik, Samantha Dias, Manisha Dias, Assessment of Construction and Demolition Waste in Goa for Re-use in New Construction, Recent Trends in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 105. Springer, Singapore.
Membership :
- Associate Member of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’ – AM 1426993
- Member of ‘Indian Society of Technical Education’ – LM 118127
Office Hours :